home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- char mapdn();
- char *alloc();
- /*
- * as --- cross assembler main program
- */
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- char **np;
- char *i;
- FILE *fopen();
- int j = 0;
- if(argc < 2){
- printf("Usage: %s [files]\n",argv[j]);
- exit(1);
- }
- Argv = argv;
- initialize();
- while ((*argv[j] != '-') && (j<argc))
- j++;
- N_files = j-1;
- if (j < argc )
- {
- argv[j]++;
- while (j<argc)
- {
- for (i = argv[j]; *i != 0; i++)
- if ((*i <= 'Z') && (*i >= 'A'))
- *i = *i + 32;
- if (strcmp(argv[j],"l")==0)
- Lflag = 1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[j],"nol")==0)
- Lflag = 0;
- else if (strcmp(argv[j],"c")==0)
- Cflag = 1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[j],"noc")==0)
- Cflag = 0;
- else if (strcmp(argv[j],"s")==0)
- Sflag = 1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[j],"cre")==0)
- CREflag = 1;
- j++;
- }
- }
- root = NULL;
- Cfn = 0;
- np = argv;
- Line_num = 0; /* reset line number */
- while( ++Cfn <= N_files )
- if((Fd = fopen(*++np,"r")) == NULL)
- printf("as: can't open %s\n",*np);
- else{
- make_pass();
- fclose(Fd);
- }
- if( Err_count == 0 ){
- Pass++;
- re_init();
- Cfn = 0;
- np = argv;
- Line_num = 0;
- while( ++Cfn <= N_files)
- if((Fd = fopen(*++np,"r")) != NULL)
- {
- make_pass();
- fclose(Fd);
- }
- if (Sflag == 1)
- {
- printf ("\f");
- stable (root);
- }
- if (CREflag == 1)
- {
- printf ("\f");
- cross (root);
- }
- fprintf(Objfil,"S9030000FC\n"); /* at least give a decent ending */
- }
- exit(Err_count);
- }
- initialize()
- {
- FILE *fopen();
- int i = 0;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Initializing\n");
- #endif
- Err_count = 0;
- Pc = 0;
- Pass = 1;
- Lflag = 0;
- Cflag = 0;
- Ctotal = 0;
- Sflag = 0;
- CREflag = 0;
- N_page = 0;
- strcpy(Obj_name,Argv[1]); /* copy first file name into array */
- do {
- if (Obj_name[i]=='.')
- Obj_name[i]=0;
- }
- while (Obj_name[i++] != 0);
- strcat(Obj_name,".s19"); /* append .out to file name. */
- if( (Objfil = fopen(Obj_name,"w")) == NULL)
- fatal("Can't create object file");
- fwdinit(); /* forward ref init */
- localinit(); /* target machine specific init. */
- }
- re_init()
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Reinitializing\n");
- #endif
- Pc = 0;
- E_total = 0;
- P_total = 0;
- Ctotal = 0;
- N_page = 0;
- fwdreinit();
- }
- make_pass()
- {
- char *fgets();
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Pass %d\n",Pass);
- #endif
- while( fgets(Line,MAXBUF-1,Fd) != (char *)NULL ){
- Line_num++;
- P_force = 0; /* No force unless bytes emitted */
- N_page = 0;
- if(parse_line())
- process();
- if(Pass == 2 && Lflag && !N_page)
- print_line();
- P_total = 0; /* reset byte count */
- Cycles = 0; /* and per instruction cycle count */
- }
- f_record();
- }
- /*
- * parse_line --- split input line into label, op and operand
- */
- parse_line()
- {
- register char *ptrfrm = Line;
- register char *ptrto = Label;
- char *skip_white();
- if( *ptrfrm == '*' || *ptrfrm == '\n' )
- return(0); /* a comment line */
- while( delim(*ptrfrm)== NO )
- *ptrto++ = *ptrfrm++;
- if(*--ptrto != ':')ptrto++; /* allow trailing : */
- *ptrto = EOS;
- ptrfrm = skip_white(ptrfrm);
- ptrto = Op;
- while( delim(*ptrfrm) == NO)
- *ptrto++ = mapdn(*ptrfrm++);
- *ptrto = EOS;
- ptrfrm = skip_white(ptrfrm);
- ptrto = Operand;
- while( *ptrfrm != NEWLINE )
- *ptrto++ = *ptrfrm++;
- *ptrto = EOS;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Label-%s-\n",Label);
- printf("Op----%s-\n",Op);
- printf("Operand-%s-\n",Operand);
- #endif
- return(1);
- }
- /*
- * process --- determine mnemonic class and act on it
- */
- process()
- {
- register struct oper *i;
- struct oper *mne_look();
- Old_pc = Pc; /* setup `old' program counter */
- Optr = Operand; /* point to beginning of operand field */
- if(*Op==EOS){ /* no mnemonic */
- if(*Label != EOS)
- install(Label,Pc);
- }
- else if( (i = mne_look(Op))== NULL)
- error("Unrecognized Mnemonic");
- else if( i->class == PSEUDO )
- do_pseudo(i->opcode);
- else{
- if( *Label )install(Label,Pc);
- if(Cflag)Cycles = i->cycles;
- do_op(i->opcode,i->class);
- if(Cflag)Ctotal += Cycles;
- }
- }